Almost all of the Linux commands below will function the same way in the bash shell that is used by your OS X '''' ====== Most Frequently Used Linux Commands ====== To get detailed help of these command, including the options available and how to use them, use man command_name or help command_name ==== manipulating files/directories ==== *** [[|cd]] ** - change the current directory *** [[|ls]] ** - list directory contents *** [[|mkdir]] ** - make directories *** [[|mv]] ** - move (rename) files/directories *** [[|rm]] ** - remove files/directories *** [[|cp]] ** - copy files/directories *** [[|touch]] ** - change file timestamps. *** [[|chmod]] ** - change file access permissions *** [[|rsync]] ** - faster, flexible replacement for rcp (remote file copy) *** [[|scp]] ** - secure copy (remote file copy program) ==== working with text files ==== *** [[|cat]] ** - concatenate files and print on the standard output *** [[|head]] ** - output the first part of files *** [[|tail]] ** - output the last part of files *** [[|wc]] ** - print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files *** [[|more]] ** - a filter for paging through text one screenful at a time *** [[|less]] ** - a program similar to more, but more powerful (and user friendly) *** [[|grep]] ** - print lines matching a pattern *** [[|diff]] ** - find differences between two files *** [[|gvim]] (vi) ** - The GUI version of vim - a text editor that is upwards compatible to Vi. *** [[|sed]] ** - a stream editor used to perform basic text transformations *** [[|awk]] ** - pattern scanning and processing language ==== working with processes ==== *** [[|ps]] ** - report a snapshot of the current processes *** [[|top]] ** - display Linux tasks *** [[|bg]] ** - resume the suspended job in the background, as if it had been started with & (useful after you suspend a command with Ctrl-z) *** [[|kill]] ** - terminate a process *** [[|exit]] ** - cause the shell to exit ==== getting useful information ==== *** [[|man]] ** - format and display the manual pages *** [[|help]] ** - display helpful information about builtin commands *** [[|date]] ** - print or set the system date and time *** [[|locate]] ** - find files by name *** [[|find]] ** - search for files in a directory hierarchy *** [[|who]] ** - show who is logged on *** [[|pwd]] ** - print name of current/working directory *** [[|du]] ** - estimate file space usage *** [[|df]] ** - report filesystem disk space usage *** [[|which]] ** - shows the full path of (shell) commands *** [[|history]] ** - display the command history list with line numbers ==== others ==== *** [[|echo]] ** - display a line of text *** [[|source]] ** - read and execute commands from a file *** [[|alias]] ** - prints the list of aliases or define new aliases *** [[|gimp]] ** - an image manipulation and paint program *** [[|ssh]] ** - a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine *** [[|mount/umount]] ** - mount and unmount filesystems *** [[|passwd]] ** - update a user's authentication tokens (password) *** [[|nohup]] ** - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty *** [[|rdesktop]] ** - Remote Desktop Protocol client (connects to windows computers) *** [[|export]] ** - export supplied names (variables) to the environment of subsequently executed commands *** [[|crontab]] ** - maintain crontab files for individual users (used to execute commands at scheduled time)