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Electrodermal Activity

Useful links

Much of this information was gleaned from the following sources:
  • Critchley, H.D. (2002). Electrodermal Responses: What Happens in the Brain. The Neuroscientist, 8(2), 132-142
  • Boucsein, W., Fowles, D.C., Grimnes, S., Ben-Shakhar, G., Roth, W.T., Dawson, M.E., & Filion, D.L. (2012). Publication recommendations for electrodermal measurements. Psychophysiology, 49, 1017-1034.
  • Braithwaite, J.J., Watson, D.G., Jones, R., Rowe, M. (2013). A Guide for Analysing Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and Skin Conductance Responses (SCRs) from Psychological Experiments.

There are several aspects of the EDA that one can measure:

The onset of an ER-SCR will occur 1 to 3 seconds after the event and will have a rise-time (i.e. from initial deflection to peak amplitude) of 0.5 to 5 seconds.

10% of participants will be non-responders. That is, these individuals will not show an appreciable SCR.

Moreover, there are several ways to evaluate these responses. With regard to SCRs, one can

Recording Electrodermal Responses

Initial Setup

Electrode Setup

  1. Connect two LEAD110A leads into the EDA100C
    1. Plug one lead into the Vin+ port and the other into the Vin- port

  1. Use electrode prep swab to clean the index and middle fingers of the participant's non-dominant hand (or not!?)
  2. Remove two EL507 electrodes. el507
    1. Put extra GEL101 on them gel101
    2. You must use the specific SCR GEL101. Other conductive gels (e.g. the EEG gel) are not appropriate.
  3. Place them on the middle phalanx of the participant's index and middle fingers. Refer to the image below
  4. Attach the pinch connector of one LEAD110A to the EL507 electrode on the middle finger, and the other to the EL507 electrode on the pointer finger.
  5. Wait at least five minutes before recording. The electrolyte gel will continue to penetrate into the stratum corneum, which will cause a drift in the ECL (specifically, increased conductivity).